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Salón del Gas Renovable – 5-6 oct. 2022

Agradezco a todos aquellos que han asistido a mi ponencia y visitado el stand o solicitado informaciones a través de la web.

Aquí os pongo algunos links a informaciones adicionales. Me sabe mal que estàn en inglés o italiano, pero es lo que hay. Con google translator no deberìa haber mayores problemas.

  1. Curso online sobre optimización de proyectos de biogás (en inglés) . Existe la posibilidad de hacer uno en español más adelante, si queréis podéis escribir al organizador desde el mismo sitio solicitando que os pongan en lista de interesados.
  2. Mi libro: Managing Biogas Plants
  3. Il controllo dell’affidabilità delle prove di BMP
  4. Come selezionare l’inoculo per l’impianto di biogas  I parte
  5. Come selezionare l’inoculo per l’impianto di biogas II Parte    
  6. Come selezionare l’inoculo per l’impianto di biogas III Parte
  7. La valorizzazione della CO2
  8. Steam Explosion delle biomasse: vale la pena?
  9. Biogas da pollina
  10. Un digestore non è una vacca!
  11. Bioupgrading del biogas
  12. Mitologia dei digestori autoriscaldati
  13. La Norma UNI 11703 BMP delle biomasse
  14. Conferma: conducibilità elettrica è un metodo inutile
  15. 2+2 non sempre fa 4 nell’impianto di biogas
  16. Tema di ponencia de hoy: Ridimensionando il metodo FOS/TAC
  17. Autogestione biologica impianti biogas
  18. A quienes me preguntaban sobre la posibilidad de digerir alperujo: los resultados dependen del inóculo, no es imposible pero hay que saber cómo.  L’imprevvedibile BMP delle sanse


Convenio en memoria de Vilma G. Rosato

XIV Jornada sobre Técnicas de Restauración y Conservación del Patrimonio

“Dra. Vilma Gabriela Rosato”

22 de Octubre de 2019


El día 22 de octubre de 2019 se realizará en el Salón de Actos del LEMIT, Av. 52 e / 121 y 122 de la ciudad de La Plata, Argentina, la XIV Jornada “Técnicas de Restauración y Conservación del Patrimonio”. Esta actividad, organizada por el Laboratorio de Entrenamiento Multidisciplinario para la Investigación Tecnológica – LEMIT, dependiente de la Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas, cuenta con el auspicio de la Asociación Argentina de Tecnología del Hormigón, GIICMA de la Regional Concordia de la UTN y el Grupo Argentino del Color.

En esta nueva edición de la XIV Jornada participarán como conferencistas destacados especialistas en la temática provenientes de Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Concordia y Brasil, en particular, Río de Janeiro, quienes desarrollarán el siguiente programa de actividades:



08:00-09:15 Inscripción y Acreditación
09:15-10:00 Acto Inaugural y Homenaje a la Dra. Vilma Gabriela Rosato, con la participación del Dr. Mario Saparrat (INFIVE (UNLP)-CCT-La Plata-CONICET); Instituto de Botánica Spegazzini, Fac. de Cs. Naturales y Museo, UNLP) y del Ing. Luis P. Traversa (Director del LEMIT)
Presentación de Anales LEMIT, Serie III Nº 8 Bioalteración, Protección y Conservación de Maderas”, a cargo de la Dra. Paula Alfieri. LEMIT-CICPBA
10:00-10:45 Ph.D. Prof. Dalton A. Raphael, Escola de Belas Artes da UFRJ. Brasil: Estereotomía Arquitectónica”.
10:45-11:30 Ph.D. Prof. Dalton A. Raphael, Gabriela Vieira Lopes Ferreira, Ana Luisa Mazzarelli, Laís dos Santos Jasmim y Bruna N. Cimbra: Escola de Belas Artes da UFRJ. Brasil: «La Reconstitución Estereotómica de la Academia Imperial de Bellas Artes en Río de Janeiro – Un estudio de caso de las transformaciones constructivas impuestas por la Arquitectura Neoclásica en Río de Janeiro”.
11:30-11:45 CAFE
11:45-12:30 Ing. Fabian Horacio Iloro y Rest. Rosana Lofeudo. LEMIT-CICPBA: “Los Italianos en la Construcción de La Plata. Escultores”.
12:30-13:15 Prof. Jorge Daniel Sota. Director del GIICMA Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Concordia, Entre Rios: Cementerio Viejo de Concordia. Desarrollo de la Metodología de Restauración y Protección del Patrimonio”.
13:15-14:00 Mg. Arq. Marcelo L. Magadán. Director de Magadán y Asoc., Consultora Especializada en Restauración de Edificios Históricos: “La Pirámide de Mayo y su Restauración Integral”
14:00-14:45 REFRIGERIO
14:45-15:30 Prof. Dr. Cristina Grafanassi Tranjan.  Escola de Belas Artes da UFRJ. Brasil: «El Patrimonio Arquitectónico de la Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro: Apogeo, Destrucción y Restauración”.
15:30-16:15 Arq. Ezequiel Nahas, Arq. Javier Vitali Mayor, Arq. Guillermo García y María Soledad Castro. Honorable Senado de la Nación: “Conservación de los Vitrales del Congreso de la Nación, Sector Senado”.
16:15-17:00 Darío Suárez FAUD-UNC e Instituto del Color – SECyT UNC, Carlos Zoppi FAUD-UNC:  “El color como generador de un lugar urbano: patrimonio, identidad y turismo en la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina”.

Jornadas Biometa 2018 en Barcelona

Sustainable Technologies sl participará en las jornadas Biometa 2018.  El evento, organizado por  la Universidad de Barcelona, tendrá lugar en la Facultad de Química y Física (Metro Palau Reial, ver plano), los días 18 y 19 de junio. Consulte aquí el programa oficial.

Mario A. Rosato presentará una ponencia sobre el método racional de gestión de plantas de biogás.


Biogas Science 2018 en Turín

Sustainable Technologies srl participará junto con Bioprocess Control AB en el congreso Biogas Science 2018.  El evento, organizado por el DISAFA de la Universidad de Turín, tendrá lugar en el centro de congresos Lingotto, los días 17 y 18 de septiembre.

Mario A. Rosato presentará un paper sobre el método racional de gestión de plantas de biogás.

Bioprocess Control AB expondrá el Gas Endeavour, la última tecnología para el análisis de procesos de fermentación anaeróbica.

Biogas Science 2018 Logo

Congreso sobre captura de carbono en India

Sustainable Technologies colabora con la Facultad de Ingeniería de Pondicherry (Tamil Nadu, India) y La Istitución de los Ingenieros de la India en la organización del Congreso Indio sobre Secuestro de Carbono y Mitigación del Cambio Climático. El evento tendrá lugar en el campus de Pondicherry, el 2 y 3 de noviembre de 2017. A continuación, transmitimos textualmente la información general sobre el mismo. Para inscribirse, patrocinar o presentar papers, por favor diríjase directamente a la secretería organizativa, prof. Raman Saravanane,

The Institution of Engineers (India)

The Institution of Engineers (India), IEI, is the largest multi-disciplinary professional body that encompasses 15 engineering disciplines and gives engineers a global platform from which professional interest is shared. IEI has membership strength of nearly 0.8 million. It was established in 1920, with its headquarters at Kolkata.  IEI was incorporated by Royal Charter and remains the only professional body in India to be accorded this honour. IEI has served the engineering fraternity for over nine decades. In this period of time it has been inextricably linked with the history of modern – day engineering.

 It provides a vast array of technical, professional and supporting devices to the government, Industries academia and the engineering fraternity, operating from over 120 centers located across the country. The institution has established R&D centers at various locations in the country and also provides grant – in – aid to its members to conduct research and development on engineering & technology. IEI offers a specially designed engineering course for both students and in service professionals. Successful completion of section A & B examinations conducted by IEI is officially recognized as equivalent to a degree in appropriate field of engineering by Ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. of India. Every year as many as 90000 candidates appear for these exams. This is the only largest platform which connects Engineers in India.

Institution of Engineers (India) – Puducherry State Centre  

The Puducherry State Centre, a wing of IEI for its regional service, functioning at Puducherry  Township, was inaugurated in the year 2010.   The centre having a good membership strength and organizing Technical lectures, Seminars, and Workshops towards fulfilling the aim of propagating technical knowledge. This Centre stood as fore- front on the leading  Engineering dictator of local engineering issues and challenges through Engineering Institutes local Students’ Chapters . The Centre has conducted many National Seminars & Conferences of various divisions of IEI. The Centre in joint collaboration with Pondicherry Engineering College (PEC) , Puducherry is proposed to host (as hold by this proposal) all India Seminar on the theme Carbon Sequestration & Climate Change Mitigation, on 26 th & 27 th of October 2017  under the aegis of Environmental Engineering Division of IE(I) and PEC, Puducherry, India.

Pondicherry Engineering College (PEC) , Puducherry

Pondicherry Engineering College (PEC)   was established in the year 1984 under the seventh Five Year Plan with liberal seed grant from MHRD, Government of India. The institution is fully funded by the Government of Puducherry. It is autonomous for both administrative and academic purposes. The sprawling 210 acres beautiful campus of the institute equipped with the best of breed infrastructure provides an excellent environment to the students and scholars towards pursuing their academic education and research. The institute offers eight undergraduate, eleven post graduate and Ph.D programmes in the major disciplines of engineering and technology. Every year the college admits 450 students in UG programmes; 173 in PG programmes; 30 in MCA programme and 10 in M.Sc. and M.Phil. Material Science programmes. Currently, around 400 scholars are pursuing Ph.D. in various disciplines in the campus.

Objective of the Conference

The All India Seminar aims at constructive deliberations on the need of Carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation  for a greener and newer steward roles and implementation for a Sustainable industrial growth & agriculture. This gathering aims at participation of maximum members of IEI, Industry, Academia to establish liaison between IEI, its members and policy makers. The Conference  will pave way for connecting the professionals, researches and students community to interact and suggest means for handling the challenges in the field of development of clean and green atmosphere & mitigation of Climate change  and is scheduled on  at PEC, 26 th & 27 th of October 2017  Puducherry.

Theme of the Seminar

There is a growing awareness all over the world about the adverse impact of greenhouse gas emission and the consequent climate change. At the dawn of third millennium, greenhouse gases are widely accepted by international scientific community as one of the potential threats to the existence of human kind coupled with extinction of other flora and fauna. The greenhouse gases, CO2 plays a lead role as it contributes to 50% of the total greenhouse effect  Though fundamental to life on earth, concentration of atmospheric CO2 has increased from a preindustrial level of 280 ppm to 390 ppm and is increasing at a rate of 1.5 μL yr-1 giving rise to an alarming situation. However, the challenges of climate change can be effectively overcome by the carbon sequestration which this proposed conference is reinforcing with to sustain for a long renewable resources for re-discovering sustainable newer Engineering solutions.   With this in mind the theme of the Seminar is coined  as “Carbon Sequestration & Climate Change Mitigation”.

Sub Themes

  • Global Warming
  • Pollution Sources
  • Natural Hazards
  • Ocean and Climate Change
  • Renewable Energy
  • Energy and Environment Policies
  • Climate Change and Public Health
  • Carbon Sequestration
  • Recycling and waste Management
  • Ecology and Environment
  • Carbon Cycle
  • GIS and Remote Sensing
  • Climate refugees
  • Climate Solutions

Seminar Dates: 2nd and 3r November 2017

Guidelines for submission of paper

 Full length papers based on original work reporting innovations, plans for development, observations, findings, critical surveys and case studies are invited for discussion in the seminar. The paper should be related to the theme but need not be limited to the sub themes as indicated.

The paper should include abstract, key words and references. The paper should be prepared on A – 4 size sheet with a margin of 1.5 cm on all sides. Paper should be in MS word format, font size: 10 pt, Times New Roman and single line spacing.  Length of the paper should not exceed 5 pages. The paper shall be sent for assessment of the technical committee. On acceptance of the paper, the author sending paper may be requested to edit, otherwise the technical committee will exercise its right to edit. Paper is to be sent in hard copy as well as softcopy on CD or through email. An undertaking has to be sent that the paper has not been published/ presented/submitted elsewhere. The accepted papers must be presented in the seminar by one of the authors of the paper duly registered as a delegate. Time allowed for the presentation will be 10 minutes. All presented papers will be included in the proceedings of the seminar on a CD.


Registration Fees:

All delegates and authors attending the seminar must register by filling the registration form and by paying the registration fees as follows.

                              Members of IE(I)            Rs.2000/-

                                 Non members             Rs.2500/-

                                 Students                    Rs.500/-

  • Registration fee includes copy of the proceedings on CD, Tea, Lunch and Dinner.
  • The registration form along with documents of payment should be submitted to The Organising Secretary, Dr. Saravanane Raman


Industry, Public Sector Enterprises, Government and Semi Government Organizations, Private Sector Companies, Education and R&D institutions, Consultants and Equipment manufacturers are requested to sponsor for successful conduction of the seminar. The names of the Sponsoring and Cosponsoring organizations will be displayed prominently at the seminar venue.

The tariff is as below

  • Sponsors : Rs.50,000/- (5 delegates free, Banner in the seminar venue)
  • Co-Sponsors: Rs.25,000/- (3delegates free, Banner in the seminar venue)

Travel and Accommodation

The delegates will have to make their own arrangement for travel. On prior request accommodation will be arranged.


Exhibition Stalls

An exhibition is planned to be arranged as part of this seminar for two days. Stalls of size 10 ft x 10 ft will be provided for display of products related to the theme of the seminar.

Rent : Rs 15000/-  ( Two free delegates will be allowed)


Parton: Principal, PEC

Chairman(s): Dr. G. Gerald Moses (Prof & Head), Civil, PEC & Dr R.Saravanne, Prof. Civil, PEC

The Organising Secretary: Dr R.Saravanne, Prof. Civil, PEC,

Department of Civil Engineering

The Department of Civil Engineering was established during the inception of the college since 1984 and evinced its potential across 30 years under National and Global developmental pace & agenda  . Apart from offering B.Tech in Civil Engineering, two M.Tech programmes in Structural Engineering and Environmental Engineering specialization and PhD programme in Civil Engineering are offered. The major strength of this department is its faculty. Highly qualified, experienced and committed faculty members significantly contribute to the growth of the college in general and this department in particular. Students are offered world class training both in theory and practice. Industrial training is part of the curriculum both for UG and PG Students. The Department has established its excellence in pioneering fields through Research and Development solving challenging local and National issues with a mission of creating and disseminating  knowledge for the betterment of mankind in general and rural masses in particular. It also aims to establish Centres of Excellence in collaboration with industries, research laboratories and other agencies to meet the changing needs of society.

codigo de descuento libro gestion biologica plantas de biogas : EMS17

Sustainable Technologies es ahora miembro de la World Biogas Association

Sustainable Technologies es ahora miembro de la WBA, World Biogas Association. El primer evento istitucional será la presentación del libro de Mario A. Rosato Managing Biogas Plants: a practical guide durante la Feria Internacional del Biogas en Birmingham, del 5 al 6 de julio de 2017, en el stand de la WBA.

Presentación del Gas Endeavour para pruebas in vitro durante el congreso ASPA 2017

Sustainable Technologies ha recibido la visita del titular de Bioprocess Control, prof. Jing Liu, en su stand en el 25° Congreso de Nutrición Animal ASPA 2017, del cual la empresa fue sponsor.  Durante el evento se presentó la primera unidad de serie del instrumento Gas Endevour. Los resultados de las pruebas realizadas con el mismo fueron presentados por el prof. Afro Quarantelli, de la Universidad de Parma, el cual ha demostrado la altísima exactitud y precisión de la nueva tecnología (video en italiano, diapositivas en inglés).