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potenziale metanigeno

The new Italian standard UNI/TS 11703:2018 on the BMP assay

On 22nd February 2018 the Italian norm UNI/TS 11703:2018 was published. The new standard establishes a leaner protocol for the measurement of the biochemical methane potential (BMP).

A general description of the new standard’s content, and its advantages compared to other existing norms, were published (in Italian) in the March issue of the magazine Energia e Dintorni, pages 25, 26 eand 27.

Conference (in English with Italian translation): Technology development for efficient design and operation of biogas plants

Prof. Jing Liu, of the University of Lund (Sweden) presented his views on the future trends in R&D and the challenges of technology transfer to the biogas industry.

The conference, organized by Agroenergia, took place in Vercelli, Italy, on 16th Nov. 2012.

In the next links it is possible to download the text in English and the translation into Italian of the slides.

prof. Jing Liu – The development of the biogas technology from Mario Alejandro Rosato on Vimeo.