Quick start of a digester
Article in Italian: the magazine HiTech Ambiente has published an article by Mario A. Rosato on how to design anaerobic lab tests to program the quick start of a digester. Click on the link to download the PDF file.
Gas Endeavour for plastic degradability in Power Technology
On page 60 of the june issue of Power Tecnology you will find some information about Gas Endeavour, in its new configuration for anaerobic / aerobic biodegradation tests of plastics.
Managing Biogas Plants made it to the Best Chemical Engineering Books of All Time
I’m happy to announce that my book, “Managing Biogas Plants: A Practical Guide (Green Chemistry and Chemical Engineering)”, made it to BookAuthority’s Best Chemical Engineering Books of All Time:
BookAuthority collects and ranks the best books in the world, and it is a great honor to get this kind of recognition. Thank you for all your support!
The book is available for purchase on Routledge, with 30% discount using the code CDC22, valid till 31Th Dec. 2022.
Bio Reactor Simulator on Power Technologies magazine
By kind concession of Editoriale Delfino, we offer our customers free access to n. 118 of Power Technologies magazine (in Italian, some articles in English too). On page 50, you will find an article on Bio Reactor Simulator.
Bio Reactor Simulator on Power Technologies magazine n. 120
By kind concession of Editoriale Delfino, we offer our customers free access to n. 120 of Power Technologies magazine (in Italian, some articles in English too). On page 11, you will find an article on Bio Reactor Simulator.
Running an innovative business during the pandemics
The e-zine Startup.info has dedicated an interview to Mario. A. Rosato on how to run an innovative business in times of pandemics. Researching for mankind and Planet during the pandemics… and trying to live upon it.
The bamboo-based bioeconomy
A selection of articles by Mario A. Rosato (in Italian).
1) Il bambù gigante e la bolla speculativa (Agronotizie)
2) Perché ora tutti investono sul bambù (Intervista a Mario A. Rosato di Sara Moracca, Wired)
3) Il punto della situazione sulla bolla speculativa del bambù (disponibile su Agronotizie e Plantgest)
4) Redditività agricola: mais, canapa, bambù o permacoltura? (Agronotizie)
25th Anniversary of the Master in Environmental Engineering at the UTN of La Plata
With a simple ceremony on 30th Oct. 2018, the National Technological University of La Plata (UTN) honoured prof. Mario E. Rosato, foundator and director of the Master in Environmental Engineering. This was the first master in environmental engineering ever proposed by an Argentine University.
Prof. Mario E. Rosato is teh father of Sustainable Technologies’ CEO, and the inspiration source of the company’s mission. Two degrees -imechanical and electrical engineer- and a long track record as metrologist, researcher, professor, consulntant and redactor of several Argentine standards, he is also a member of the Academic Councils of both Engineering Faculties in La Plata: the National Technological University and the National University.

Interview to Mario A. Rosato at Wired Italy
The scientific journalist Sara Moraca has interviewed Mario A. Rosato on the cultivation of bamboo in Italy. New green gold or speculation? See the article (in Italian) on Wired Italy.