The NGO World Vision has awarded Sustainable Technologies with the most versatile design of a low-cost modular latrine, which nevertheless complies with all the requirements of the EN 16194:2012 standard. The design includes the following additional aspects, not considered in the said norm:
a) The structure is capable of resisting a Cat. I hurricane.
b) It is possible to adapt it to the different cultural preferences (sitting or squatting) and water availability (dry WC but with a flush system), depending on the instalaltion in Subsaharian Africa, S.E. Asia or remote zones of Latin America.
c) It separes the urine from the faeces, in order to employ the first ones for fertirrigation and to sanificate the second with 3 different methods, depending on the context.
d) The construction employs panels pre-fabricated on site, using vegetal fibres agglomerated with Portland cement. The C balance is neutral.