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lead oxide

Electronic waste recycling conference in Orlando

New technology for e-waste recycling

Mario A. Rosato and Simon Greer, winners of the CEA-Innocentive challenge on e waste recycling  (recovering lead from CRT glass) present their solutions during the E-Scrap conference in Orlando, USA. Panel moderator Allison Schumacher, Policies Senior Manager of CEA (Consumer Electronics Association). With thanks to Mrs. Julie North for the video recording. Presentation in PDF available on request, please fill in the form.

Innocentive-CEA prize to the best technology to recycle cathodic ray tubes

Our technology wins the first prize from the Consumer Electronics Association and Innocentive among 357 proposals from all the world

The problem: 

With the diffusion of the plasma and LCD screens, the old cathodic ray tube (CRT) is slowly disappearing.  Milions of TV sets and monitors will have to be recycled. The CRT is made of glass with about 30% lead, becoming thus a material  difficult to place in the market of the recycling or reuse. Furthermore, within 10 years there will be no more  production of CRTs, hence no more demand for recycling them, so it is necessary to develop a process that does not require high investment, in order to build leaded glass recycling facilities that will surely have a short life.

Our solution:

It consists of a low cost chemical process that allows recovering the lead oxyde, which has an intereting market value and constant demand because it is the main material to make car  batteries , paints and other products. The process requires very little energy, simple machinery and, most important, does not emit lead neither in water nor in the atmosphere.

Press releases:

web of Innocentive:

web of CEA (Consumer Electronics Association):

[cml_media_alt id='2105']first test OPb[/cml_media_alt]       [cml_media_alt id='2106']sediment-first test[/cml_media_alt]